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Clematis And Climbers Food

Boost root growth and flower development

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Clematis And Climbers Food

Boost root growth and flower development

  • NPK 3-5-4
  • Slow-release formula
  • Encourage well-developed root systems and vivid, abundant flowers
Your goal is to grow a healthy, happy, productive plant, so your first thought is to give it some food. Great! But if you grab a basic high-nitrogen fertilizer, you'll just be encouraging a whole lot of leaves. With Clematis and other climbers, you really want root growth and flower development. Roots for health and strength, and flowers (obviously) for beauty. That's why we offer a specifically formulated Clematis and Climbers Food 3-5-4, which is so much better for your vines than the average garden center formula. If you want to know a bit of the science, the nitrogen (the first number, N, in the NPK formula, which is 3 in our 3-5-4 formula) is lower, and there's much more available phosphorus (the second number, P, in the NPK formula, which is 5 in our 3-5-4 formula). That ratio of nitrogen and phosphorus will encourage well-developed root systems and vivid, abundant flowers. This is a slow-release formula, so you won't need to apply it so often. We suggest one application in spring and fall, plus mixing an application into the soil when you first plant a new climber.

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  • Botanical Name: .
  • Color: .
  • Size: 2 Lb



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