- Attracts many species of bumble bees
- Mix of annual and perennial flowers
- Includes native species of flowerss
- Long blooming period
- Ideal for flower gardens and naturalized areas
Attract pollinators to the garden with this mixture of annual and perennial flowers. Bumblebee Buffet Mixture includes 15 flower varieties that have been proven to attract bumble bees—and the flowers have a range of bloom periods, so you'll have color and nectar over a long time period. Mix consists of adaptable, native species as well as other garden flowers. It's ideal for planting in flower beds and naturalized areas. Includes Arroyo Lupine, Balsam 'Camellia Flowered Mix,' Bergamot, Blue Sage, Dwarf Sulphur Cosmos, Gayfeather, Lacy Phacelia, Purple Coneflower, Purple Prairie Clover, Rocket Larkspur, Rocky Mountain Penstemon, Siberian Wallflower, Spurred Snapdragon, Yellow Lupine, Zinnia 'Dahlia Flowered Mix.'