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Seychelles Pole Bean Seed

All-America Selections Winner

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Seychelles Pole Bean Seed

All-America Selections Winner

  • One of earliest-maturing pole beans
  • Uniform, stringless pods with very small seeds
  • Excellent flavor and crisp texture
This All-America Selections winner is tops in taste and productivity—and it matures earlier than many other pole bean varieties! Seychelles Pole Bean produces high yields of uniform, straight, stringless, 5-6 in. pods with an excellent flavor and crisp texture. Unlike other pole beans, the Seychelles pods have very small seeds. Vigorous vines need support—and can be grown in a container. Place poles, teepee, trellis or other support when the pole bean plants have 2-4 leaves. Seychelles Pole Bean exhibits resistance to anthracnose and bean common mosaic virus. 55 DAYS.
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Product Details

Product Details

  • Botanical Name: Phaseolus vulgaris 'Seychelles'
  • Height: 7 - 9 feet (vines)
  • Spacing:Plant seed 1 inch deep (deeper if soil is dry), in hills of four to six seeds at the base of each pole. Plant 3 inches apart in rows along the base of linear trellis.
  • Depth:1 inch
  • Spread:Vining
  • Light Required:Full Sun
  • Yield: Produces large yields.
  • Size: 2 Oz
  • Fruit: Very uniform, straight, slender, 5-6 inch, stringless dark green pods with very small seeds.
  • Days To Maturity: 55 Days
  • Zone: 3-9
  • Germination: 6-14 days.
  • Form: Vegetables, Beans, Pole Beans
  • Soil Requirements: Rich, well-drained soil; pH 6.0-6.8.
  • Seed Count: 2 oz. packet is approximately 150 seeds, 1/2 lb. is approximately 600 seeds.
  • Pruning: It is beneficial to prune the growth above the trellis or stake to promote a fuller plant and pod set at the base of the stems.
  • Foliage: Vigorous, dark green vines.



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