- Large, white onion with mild, sweet flavor
- Well-suited for growing in much of the United States
- Keeps up to two months in storage
Large, white, day-neutral variety has a mild, sweet flavor that is great for salads, salsas, sandwiches and cooking. Adaptable to much of the United States, Superstar Hybrid Onion stores up to two months. This exceptional onion was the first day-neutral variety to win an All-American Selections award. Onions are affected by the amount of light they receive. Day-neutral onions begin forming bulbs when daylight lasts 12-14 hours. They usually are sweeter and less pungent than long-day varieties. Day-neutral onions usually store better than short-day onions. Day-neutral onions can grow in many areas of the United States, except the far North and deep South.
Plant counts: A bunch contains 55-75 plants.