Gurney's Blog
Chickens in the garden
When I decided to start raising chickens, I was thinking only of high quality, fresh eggs. But, I soon learned that my feathered friends had far more to offer –...
Butternut Squash Lasagna- A Sumptuous Squash Recipe!
I’m a great big turkeyAnd I’d love to stay.But Thanksgiving’s coming.So it’s time to run away! Funny, right? Had this infectious rhyme playing this Thanksgiving and I just can’t get...
Brussels Sprouts—A Winter Garden Treat
We’re finally experiencing weather that resembles winter, but that doesn’t mean our garden harvests are over! The kale trials look beautiful; some of our lettuces seem to be enjoying the...
Brussels sprouts can be delicious – really!
Despite the bad rap they get from the elementary-aged set, Brussels sprouts offer a great variety of uses! Few vegetables are quite as versatile or fun to cook. Brussels sprouts...
Blackberries - Uses and Health Benefits
Blackberries– tiny, attractive berries packed with great taste and plenty of nutrients! Growing blackberries is an uncomplicated, fun filled process. What’s more? Blackberry plants are easy to manage and will...
Attracting Wildlife- Sunflower Seeds
Are you fond of the sound of birds chirping with abandon or the sight of butterflies hovering about unperturbed? If you are, and are looking for ways to get closer...
Attracting Good Bugs to Your Garden!
Beneficial insects are invaluable in the home garden. They kill the bad bugs by eating them or parasitizing them and increase flower production and crop yields by providing the valuable...
All About….Asparagus
For Mother’s Day in 2012 I received ten 1-year old Jersey Knight asparagus plants. I was insanely excited as I love asparagus; but everyone who heard of my gift would...
All about pea gardening
Did you know that peas were first introduced to France by Catherine de Medici? Or that the United Kingdom has actual pea etiquette- and that the proper way to eat...
How to Grow Muskmelons and Watermelons
Confession time: I used to be a melon drop-out. Each year I would happily place a few melon plants in my garden, dreamily reading the tag from the nursery, excitedly...
How Do Beans Grow? A Guide to Growing Beans
Often the very first plants many of us grow from seeds are beans. Preschoolers carefully plant them and water them, toddling home with little cups filled with soil and a...
A Peach of a Tree!
Trees are always a great asset to a garden. They bring in wildlife, offer shade, and are great for landscaping. Some, like the Peach Tree, is still more rewarding, and...
A Healthy, Great-Tasting, Native Berry!
Sure, they’ve been around for a long time, technically making them “elders”, but I’ve gotta say the elderberry bush is one of the more exciting, younger-looking specimens out there. It’s...
“Gotta Have It” – I really do!
Today, we’re sharing a post from one of our guest bloggers – one of our gardening experts here at Gurney’s! If I can keep the squirrels and raccoons from getting...
The Most Popular Fair Food By State
For many Americans, the annual state or county fair serves as a backdrop for heartwarming memories: hyper-competitive sibling matchups at the ring toss, the view at the top of the...
How to Grow Garlic: A Beginner’s Guide
Fresh garlic is a cook’s dream, whether grated into pasta, chopped for a sauté with vegetables and chicken, or blended into fresh salsa. Most people are used to grabbing garlic...
The Most Popular Fruit Pie in Every State
Spring is one of the best times of the year, and not just because the temperatures are rising and our blood pressure is normalizing after the string of socially distanced...
Best Berry Picking Places by US State
Intro When the weather warms up and fruits are in season again, berry picking is a fun family activity for Americans all over the country. It’s hard for many of...
How Many People Wash Their Produce in Every State?
Do You Wash Your Produce? Americans are pressed for time; so when it comes to meal prep, many of us may be tempted to splash a few droplets of water...
How Every US State Takes Their Tacos
Have you ever gotten into an argument with a friend or family member over taco toppings? Maybe you’ve got googly eyes for guac while they can’t stand anything avocado, or...
U.S. States With the Healthiest Eaters, According to Their Residents
We all know about the different food groups we’re supposed to eat something from each day, but how often do people actually follow the USDA’s advice? We got some answers...
How to Grow Cilantro
Beth Sears has worked in the garden industry for 10 years—and grows fruits, vegetables and flowers in her Midwest garden. Cilantro is one of the easiest herbs to grow—and, if...
Vegetable Crop Rotation to Maximize Your Garden’s Potential
All gardeners have their favorite crops that they plant year after year. However, planting the same crops in the same space every season can negatively impact both plant health and...
Grow Up! – The Vertical Vegetable Garden
Do you picture a typical vegetable garden as a vast area, with neat rows stretching to the horizon? Well, it doesn’t have to be that way. If your garden area...