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Zone 4

Hardiness Zone 4 - Plants, Vegetables, Fruits & More

Zone 4 on the USDA Hardiness Zones map encompasses regions with cold winters, though less severe than those in Zone 3. Suitable plants for Zone 4 include hardy perennials like hostas and daylilies, shrubs such as hydrangeas and lilacs, and trees like maples and birches. These plants can thrive in the cold winters and relatively short growing seasons typical of Zone 4.

States and regions in Zone 4 include the following:

  • New York (northern parts)
  • Wisconsin
  • Michigan (northern parts)
  • Iowa (northern parts)
  • Nebraska (northern parts)
  • Vermont
  • New Hampshire

Avg. Temperatures:

Minimum Temp. - negative 30° to negative 20° Fahrenheit
Minimum Temp. - negative 34.4° to negative 28.9° Celsius
